Helping Seniors and Their Families is My Passion

Early January 2020 after reeling from a national pandemic, my world would forever change. Hearing my loved one’s diagnosis with Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia was like a punch in the gut, I had no idea what to expect. Every time I asked for guidance or searched on google, I would find the same tired rhetoric, every patient is different, and the disease has no direct path one can predict. You can expect 3-10 years depending on how fast it progresses.

To say the least, this was not helpful. I needed a plan. An expectation of what was coming, and I wouldn’t get it.

Even though the advice was true and given with the best of intentions, I couldn’t be more lost. I knew it was not curable, but how much time did I have with my Mom? How fast would she progress? How long will she know me?

All of these thoughts raced through my mind constantly. As each day progressed, and some health and safety scares happened, I was also needing to make very serious living arrangements and care decisions.

I promise you, I never felt more alone. This changed my life.

Not only was my focus shifting, I officially became a member of the sandwich generation. The club of people who have children ( even though my were older) and taking care of my aging parent. My Mom deserved all the best care and help and I was determined to do it. Even if I did it alone.

Here is where I insert caution - YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT ALONE!

My passion is guiding people who are in the same position in making choices for their loved ones as they age. As a Senior Living Advisor and Senior Real Estate Specialist ©️, my commitment is that you don’t feel alone anymore. I can help guide you through your options, navigate senior living, understand selling a home, right-sizing living spaces and so much more.

I wish I had the help to focus more on my Mom during this time and enjoy the days being a bit more stress-free. I wish I had someone with the expertise I have now, who could have helped me. Let me help you make this a bit easier when it comes to understanding your senior living options.

Jonie Sturek

Helping seniors with all aspects of senior living option.

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National Elder Abuse Awareness Day